Whiplash Trauma and Its Effects on Human Health - Upper Cervical Chiropractic

There is a general notion in the public that people who claim injury from whiplash accidents are making it up. The forces involved in whiplash trauma tell a different story. In this blog, we would like to explore how whiplash trauma affects the upper cervical spine and the central nervous system. We would like to talk about current research and mechanisms that explain why so many people who suffer from whiplash have a wide spectrum of health problems.

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What Happens To The Neck During a Whiplash Injury?

When someone sustains a whiplash there is a quick acceleration and then deceleration. In a rear-end accident there is first a quick acceleration of the head forwards and then the head is whipped backward. In low impacts, it appears that the lower cervical spine sustains the most injury 
However, in higher velocity collisions, it appears that the upper cervical spine sustains more injury upon extension of the head as it whips backward. The rapid whipping motion damages the supporting soft tissues. The injured tissue becomes swollen and irritated and the joints that are affected misalign. Once the segment is misaligned the deep muscles of the neck become spastic and if not corrected chronic neurological issues follow.

Three things result from whiplash trauma

 1. Injuries to the soft tissue cause pain, restricted motion, and vertebral misalignment
 2. Muscle Spasms become chronic as the damaged soft tissue leads to abnormal joint mechanics in the neck.
 3. Abnormal biomechanics of the C-spine lead to long-term irritation to the central nervous system-CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS
What Can Someone Do That Is Suffering From Chronic Health Problems That Resulted From a Whiplash Injury? Upper Cervical Chiropractic Treatment
Upper Cervical Care is a little-known procedure that focuses its attention on the neck and skull junction. This critical junction houses the brain-stem which controls and regulates most of the functions in the human body that are not under your conscious control. 
Whiplash injuries have a cascade of effects on the central nervous system which can lead to chronic health problems. The most common conditions we see in our office that have resulted from whiplash injuries are Post Concussion Syndrome, Neck Pain, Meniere's Disease, Vertigo, Migraine Headaches, Cognitive problems, Insomnia, and fibromyalgia to name a few.
The Upper Cervical Approach is simple. An upper cervical doctor runs neurological tests to locate spinal misalignment's in the neck that is impacting the central nervous system adversely. Once located a series of precise x-rays are taken of the joints of the neck to determine what direction the vertebrae have misaligned. 
Once determined a precise, gentle correction is made to restore normal motion. Once corrected the soft tissue has a chance to heal and repair and the result is a reduction of nerve interference and healing.

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