Medication-Free Headache Treatment  

Additional symptoms may include a tender neck, shoulders, and scalp. While this is the most common form of a headache, it is still a mystery to the medical field as a whole. 

Chiropractic Offices Near You

Tension headaches are not the kind of headaches that send a person to the emergency room or even the doctor. However, they are painful enough to take a good chunk out of your day while you recover. Your condition will be categorized by the frequency of occurrence. Episodic tension headaches occur less than 1 time per month over the course of three months. Chronic tension headaches occur more than 15 times per month in the same period.

Standard Medical Treatment

The standard treatment for a tension headache is an over-the-counter pain medication. Sometimes, when the problem becomes chronic, prescription drugs enter the scene. We all know that tension headaches are not caused by a drug deficiency.  But many people take drugs weekly because they don't have a natural alternative. Taking pain-killing medications over the long term is not only harmful to the body, but they also are not a solution.

Upper Cervical Care

Pain relievers only mask a symptom. If you want to go after your headaches at the source, you will want to see headache specialists. What makes a headache specialist is the use of upper cervical chiropractic care. By means of upper cervical chiropractic adjustments, Doctors can correct misalignments in the uppermost part of the neck. Such misalignments may restrict blood flow, and CSF flow, and affect the nervous system adversely. 

Often, the result is chronic headaches or even migraines. Even the slightest misalignment can have severe neurological consequences. However, a gentle correction can realign the vertebrae and restore proper blood flow, CSF flow, and nervous system function. 

For many patients, this results in relief from migraines in the long term. True healing takes time and takes understanding. In our quick-fix, symptom treatment disease care model, many confuse relief with healing.  At Upper Cervical Health Care we follow a natural law: "NATURE NEEDS NO HELP JUST NO INTERFERENCE".  Our job is to find the interference and remove it.  It's nature's job to heal you from the inside out. Give Upper Cervical Care a try. You will be glad you did it. 



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