Recovery From Concussion

A concussion is caused by a sudden deceleration impact that "JARS" the brain. Concussions are brain injuries. The following signs and symptoms are common following head trauma and can indicate that you have suffered a concussion.  

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These are the most common signs you have a concussion:

  • Neck Pain: Stiffness and soreness in the neck
  • Headache: can be persistent or severe
  • Whole-body: blackout, fatigue, or poor balance
  • Cognitive: amnesia, disorientation, or mental confusion
  • Gastrointestinal: nausea or vomiting
  • Also common: are irritability, mild depression, ringing in the ears, sensitivity to light, or sleepiness

If you think that you may have a concussion your first step should be to see a medical provider to make sure there is no internal brain bleed or subdural hematoma. If you have been cleared medically of these conditions your next stop should be to a doctor that is trained in Upper Cervical Chiropractic.  The reason is simple. Head trauma that causes concussion also causes neck injury. In the following blog, we will discuss the upper cervical spine's role in recovering from concussion and post-concussion syndrome.

What Is An Upper Cervical Care Specialist?

It is estimated that 15 percent of people that sustain a concussion still have persistent symptoms one year later. In our practices in Los Angeles, we have seen many post-concussion patients. We have found that people who suffer from post-concussion syndrome are actually suffering from a neck injury that is causing interference to the central nervous system. The head weighs on average 10-12 pounds and the top neck vertebrae called the atlas weigh 2 ounces.  

This area is held together by muscles and ligaments and as a result, predisposes itself to injury. Jarring trauma that results in a concussion also damages the neck. This most critical junction is responsible for controlling most functions in the body. When irritated or interfered with a host of chronic health conditions can follow. Upper neck injuries can either cause or contribute to, headaches, migraines, neck pain, back pain, sinus problems, fibromyalgia, autoimmune conditions, Meniere's disease, and vertigo.

What is Upper Cervical Care and How Can it Help You Recover Your Health? 

The goal of Upper Cervical Care is for the spinal correction to “hold” or stay in alignment for as long as possible.  In our current system of health care, which is better-termed disease management and symptom treatment, it is often difficult to get patients to understand the OBJECTIVE of Upper Cervical Care. While our current health care system is focused on the treatment of symptoms(effects) Upper Cervical Care is focused on the restoration of FUNCTION. Restoration of function results after correction of the Upper Cervical Spine.  Abnormal neck biomechanics interfere with normal function in the nervous system and body.  When a proper neurological function returns through precise spinal correction,  health can result. That is the OBJECTIVE.

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