Many people still perceive chiropractic as not “real” medicine. This belief is fueled by various myths circulating online and growing by the day. People who could benefit from natural and non-invasive pain relief prefer taking painkillers (we will talk about them, too) than going to a chiropractor. This is why we believe that it is time to debunk the most common chiropractic myths.

We hope that after reading this article, you will make the right choice, knowing the truth. There is nothing worse than letting misconceptions and hurtful lies prevent you from enjoying a healthy, active and pain-free life.

Myth 1: Chiropractic Adjustments Are Risky

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This is probably one of the most common chiropractic myths. You read it or hear it everywhere online. Claims ranging from being left in severe pain to partial paralysis horrify people and keep them away from a chiropractor’s office.

The truth is that adjustments are safer than many of the most common activities you perform every day without thinking twice, like riding an e-scooter or going to a hair stylist to have your hair dyed. Every movement a chiropractor makes is precise and comes after years of training and practice.

Myth 2: You Can Safely Take Pain Medication

This myths comes in response to people’s wish to enjoy a pain-free life and is supported by various companies that produce and sell these medications.

In reality, many people suffer from allergies and have strong negative reactions to many over the counter painkillers. As for prescription drugs, the opioid crisis in the US says everything about how safe they are. These pills create addiction, resistance in the body, the need to increase the dose to feel its effects, sometimes resulting in fatal overdoses. Chiropractic treatments are completely non-invasive and do not involve taking any substance whatsoever either orally or by injection.

Myth 3: Chiropractic Therapy Does Not Really Work

Some sources state that patients feel good for a short time after chiropractic treatments due to autosuggestion. Then, they start feeling the pain again.

First of all, this is one of the common chiropractic myths that damages a lot of respectable professionals’ reputation. Secondly, it puts too much emphasis on something that is difficult to define – autosuggestion. In reality, chiropractic adjustments are effective in restoring the nervous system to a proper working condition. But this does not happen overnight. Each patient needs a specific period of time to heal

Myth 4: You Cannot Bring Children to a Chiropractor

Many parents worry that if they are taking their children to chiropractic adjustments, that would stunt their physical growth and mental development. The opposite is the truth: gentle chiropractic adjustments encourage children’s development and prevents many potential issues during their growth spurt during the teenage years, including:

•    Text neck from bending over mobile phones

•    Scoliosis

•    Bad posture due to carrying heavy backpacks with school books.

Myth 5: Chiropractors Are Not Real Doctors

Here is another of the most common chiropractic myths. When pressed for answers, the proponents of this harmful idea have no real arguments for it.

Practitioners of chiropractic have. Since we are making the comparison with Western medicine doctors, it is worth knowing that medical students have to attend around 4,248 hours of classes in college. Meanwhile, a chiropractor must attend around 4,485 hours of classes before they can apply for the exam to obtain their license.

Myth 6: You Can Adjust Yourself at Home

This is not just one of the most common chiropractic myths, but it is also dangerous for anyone believing it. Chiropractic adjustments are extremely precise and are based on in-depth knowledge of the structure and functions of the human spine.

Trying to adjust yourself at home can actually result in severe injuries and debilitating pain.

Myth 7: The Popping Sound Means Your Bones Are Rubbing Together

Many patients are afraid of the popping sound described in association with spinal adjustments. They believe that their vertebrae would rub together, get cracked or otherwise damaged.

In reality, that is the sound made by CO2 released from the spine and relieving pressure on the spinal cord. However, since many patients are sensitive to this issue, many chiropractors have learned to perform adjustments that do not create the popping sound.

Now that you have learned the truth about the most common chiropractic myths, you can go ahead and find a chiropractor near you in our online directory and schedule your first appointment!

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